Please help test and name a new Babepedia feature

We have a new feature that is almost ready to be put live, but we would like some people to give it a try. It’s a page that shows popular photos from various galleries on an “infinite scroll” layout with 3 columns. The page should load smoothly and reasonably fast. Our normal “slideshow” feature is available as well, which can slide through the whole page in a smooth way. We think this is a pleasant page to visit and are hoping the visitors enjoy it too.

In the background, we’re recording clicks on individual photos on the whole site and using these numbers to make a top 100 of “most popular photos” to fill this page. The number of photos on the page is limited to these 100, but there is a “next page” link at the bottom if you want to see more photos (per 100). The order of the photos is random so if you hit F5, you’ll see the same 100 photos in a different order. 

The photo selection changes slowly as photos are clicked on the site. If you come back after a day, you’ll notice some new photos. If you come back after a week, you’d see a lot of changes. If you come back after a month, most photos will be new. We’re still tweaking the algorithm to make it better and have more variety. It will be repetitive for those that have seen all the newest galleries. 

If you have 2 minutes, please go it a try by opening this page.

If you have 2 more minutes, please take your time to write some feedback in a comment below. We really appreciate your input, even if it’s negative.

Specific questions we have:

  • Does it work smoothly on all devices and browsers?
  • How is the content? Do you like the concept? How can we improve it?
  • What would be a good name for this page? Babeshow or Babe Show is a production title. Other options are Babe Party, Babe Heaven, Infinite Scroll, Infinite Babes, …

5 thoughts on “Please help test and name a new Babepedia feature”

  1. content could not be better.. i have a pc. flows well and seems infinite. but very well done can goto the gallery and come back; all good from what seen.

  2. Dear Babegrid,

    Nice feature! I noticed that the scrollbar on the right already loading in all the way to the bottom.. don’t know if that was intentional.

    I have a question about the “babegrid feature” what is gonna happen with this link on the front page?

    Greeting Angelo

    • Hi Angelo!

      Thanks for the feedback. The content should load as you scroll down, but it’s already reserving all the screen space which is causing the scrollbar to show a long page. We’ll look into this to confirm it’s working properly though.

      The Babegrid won’t go away. This will just be another page.


  3. It worked very smoothly on my desktop, Dell, Browsing with Google Chrome.
    The content is Excellent
    I like the concept. Having the woman’s name and some text appear via mousing over the photo is a very efficient use of limited screen space.
    Refresh (instead of F5) worked well for me; it is very functional, since it allows me to use my mouse instead of my finger on the keyboard; but, it is nice to have the 2 options.
    How can we improve it? No ideas come to mind.
    What would be a good name for this page? Babeshow seems excellent– straightforward, clearly reflects the content. Babe Show: NOT: The space between the two words isn’t needed; single-word titles communicate best.
    Other options are Babe Party NOT, Babe Heaven NOT, Infinite Scroll NOT Infinite Babes NOT. THESE ARE ALL “TOO CUTESY– and beside the main point.
    My version showed about 230 photos, not just the 100 you are planning to show.

    I prefer that all the pics in each row all be the same size– as they are on your current home page. (The women, and their poses/clothing provide enough “variety”.


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